Faculty Detail

Dr. Arindam Bhattacharjee

FPM from XLRI Jamshedpur
Area:  OB & HRM


Email:  arindam[dot]bhattacharjee[at]iimrohtak[dot]ac[dot]in
Phone:  01262-228623

Dr. Arindam Bhattacharjee is a faculty in the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management area at IIM Rohtak. He earned his Fellow Program in Management (FPM) from XLRI Jamshedpur.

Advanced HRM and International HRM

High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS), Abusive Supervision

Bhattacharjee, Arindam, and Anita Sarkar. “Abusive Supervision and Cyberloafing: An Investigation Based on Stressor-Emotion-CWB Theory.” Information Technology and People, April 07, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-05-2022-0353 (Scopus-Q1, CiteScore-7.6, ABDC-A category, ABS- Grade “3”)

 Bhattacharjee, Arindam, and Anita Sarkar. “High-performance work systems and employees’ innovative work behavior: An Empirical Investigation based on Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Theory.” Global Business Review, March 14, 2023.  https://doi.org/10.1177/09721509221145414 (Scopus-Q2, CiteScore-4.3)

Bhattacharjee, Arindam, and Anita Sarkar. “Abusive Supervision: A Systematic Literature Review.” Management Review Quarterly, August 15, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11301-022-00291-8. (Scopus-Q1, CiteScore-9.1, ABDC-B category)

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